Farming adaptations to the impacts of climate change and extreme events in Pacific Island Countries: Case study of Bellona atoll, Solomon Islands

Farmers in Pacific Islands’ communities are considered to be most vulnerable to the impacts of increased temperature, sea-level rise, droughts, cyclones, and heavy rainfall. Farmers living on a raised atoll in the Solomon Islands (Bellona) were interviewed to understand their perceptions and experiences on the impacts of climate change and extreme events on their crops. Some examples of damage and impacts according to the farmers included rotting of roots, damage to leaves and branches, and destruction of fruits and valuable yields. Interviews also revealed that the ability of farmers to recover after disasters was dependent on their pre-disaster conditions, number and varieties of crops they had planted, type of cropping system in use, and consistent use of simple, traditional, and innovative adaptive techniques.Such techniques included crop rotation, change of planting and harvesting dates, and the planting of new resilient varieties.